HaWooo Message
HaWooo Message
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    What is HaWooo Price Comparison Service?

    HaWooo offers the Price Comparison service. If you find the price of the item you purchased in HaWooo is higher than other websites, you can report to us. Please prepare the following details & fill up HaWooo Price Comparison Form(HPCF).

    Order Number

    Product Name

    The website where you found the better rate

    Price of other website

    Screenshots of the competitor site

    Terms & Conditions

    1. HaWooo Price Comparison service applies to confirmed order only. You must provide us with your order number to submit the form.
    2. The following conditions must apply:
    (A).Same product OR Same package.
    (B).Notify us within 7 days of order.
    (C).It can only be compared with the price of the Malaysia platform, and the promotional item(s) is/are not in the scope of comparison.
    (D).Item(s) cannot be compared with promotional item(s) on HaWooo platform.
    3. Once the product been verified is selling at higher price than others website, we will refund the price differences of the product by credited the amount into customer's HaWooo account within 1-2 working days.
    4.After the form is submitted, customer service will contact with customer upon confirmed. Otherwise, no further notice will be given.
    5.HaWooo reserves the right to reject any form from users. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

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